Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Making Money

    Matt Bomer Loves Talking About His Kids On Television, Not His Husband (42)

    • Oprah: Are you serious? I love queerty. It gives me all the gay gossip i need. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA I saw...

    • bangbang: LOL, don’t feel too sorry for his partner, being all unmentioned and neglected in his story...

    Damian Furtch Pummeled By Gay Bashers Outside NYC McDonald’s (38)

    • Kev C: The attackers are described by Damian as looking “latin”. But low life thugs come in all...

    • SBC19: @Zonk: You are completely backwards. If the attackers were of color, the article would be twice as...

    WI Gov. Scott Walker Ousts Attorney Defending State’s Domestic Partnership Registry (11)

    • Oprah: You gotta give it to Walker though, he displays a ballsy manly swag rarely seen in white white colar-...

    What Happens When Straight Guys Send The Wrong Signals To Gay Acquaintances (20)

    • GetBalance: Helarious! All humans do it. Very funny.

    There Are Some Gay Issues Joy Behar Should Just Leave Alone, Like Technology (20)

    • Oprah: Me thinks Queerty does not like Joys snotty remarks, given that queerty usually conducts in snotty...

    Watch Father John Hollowell Teach Catholic Students About Disgusting Gay Sex For 2 Hours (63)

    • B: No. 37 · McMike wrote, “btw, the original text of the Bible does not condemn homosexuality. For...

    J. Edgar Hoover Filmmaker: Dustin Lance Black Is Lying About All The Gay Stuff (21)

    • Michael: DiCaprio as Hoover? Ahm just not feeling it.

    John Joe Thomas Killed 70-Year-Old Because Bible Told Him Homosexuals Must Be Stoned To Death (53)

    • cory robinson: Clearly he needs to be judged by a jury of his peers.

    Howard Stern Wants Victoria Jackson To Address Her Own Sin (Of Gluttony) (21)

    • Jeffree: If you can’t get enough of MsJackson’s rockin’ rants, she has a weekly column at...

    Why Did I Have To Be Born Gay In Africa? (17)

    • ron: SBC19…I am NOT “Oh boy”. You are a typical liberal moron.

    • Phoenix: I’m proudly South-African and even more proud to be African!

    • Drums: This is really, really sad, and sitting in front of my computer not doing anything about it just makes...

    Why Is Walmart Selling Janice Barrett Graham’s Ex-Gay Parenting Book? (41)

    • Jeffree: @TheSaneFrancis: That was a masterful rebuttal. It probably fell on deaf ears for the intended...

    Gay Doc Frank Spinelli Says Hero Cop William Fox Molested Him As A Boy Scout. Oh, And 10 Other Boys (18)

    • Jeffree: It’s not uncommon for abuse survivors to “block” memories of their abuse until many...

    RuPaul’s Drag Race Shocker! Is She Really Gone For Good??? (9)

    • Zee: ooh…so fun. I hope Venus D-lite comes back.

    Taking Female Fertility Hormone Turned MLB’s Manny Ramirez Into A He-She, Laughs College Sports Editor (20)

    • Tom: @Davey: Overreaction in the Internet?!!!!! Say it isn’t so?! :D

    • Tom: @Shannon: So much for a “serious” discussion. You stay classy, Shannon.

    • Davey: Greg obviously has made it if his article has gotten this kind of response. Thank you to whoever...

Fox News contributor Dick Morris went on Fox News today to
attack an ad by the Republican National Committee supporting Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's controversial plan to strip most
public employees of just about all of their
collective bargaining rights. He called the ad "terrible" and "stupid" because
it "links [President] Obama to the unions." Obama, Morris said, is more popular than the
unions and that popularity, Morris predicted, will
transfer over to them.

Dick Morris also sent out
an "urgent message" to the Newsmax email list bashing Wisconsin Republicans who
are breaking with Walker over his union-busting plan. Morris wrote:

well-funded left is trying to pressure Republican lawmakers to "compromise" and
cave in to the unions demands.

some Republicans are beginning to crack.

is Republican State Senator Dale Schultz. He is breaking from Gov. Walker's
ranks and supporting a "compromise." He is apparently urging other Republicans to
follow his lead.

We must stop waffling Senators like
Dale Schultz and urge voters and legislators to stand with Scott Walker.
[bolding in the original]

Is this just an example of a conservative commentator giving
his honest opinion on the RNC ad and Wisconsin Republicans?

Since it's Dick Morris, you should be suspicious. And in
this case, your suspicions may be very well-founded. Morris is promoting
alternative ads to the one produced by the RNC. He is asking people to donate
money to fund a new radio ad on the Wisconsin situation sponsored by the League of American Voters, an
organization that employs Morris as a chief strategist.

Indeed, the letter Morris sent out bashing Wisconsin Republicans who want Walker to compromise asks people to contribute to the League of American Voters ad:

The League won't stop. You can help them - Go Here Now

But they need help.

Right now, they want to increase their efforts by rolling a TV ad campaign across the state.

They also want to target waffling Senators like Dale Schultz, by exposing their positions to their constituents.

But to do this, this League needs continued funding.

Please act today - time is critical - Donate Here Now. [bolding in the original]

bench craft company reviews

The Funniest Fox <b>News</b> FAILS (PICTURES)

News bloopers are some of the best ones, especially when the flub involves a hilariously erroneous chyron or graphic. Fox News has had some of the funniest FAILS the Internet was able to capture, and we've corralled all the best ones ...

REPORT: <b>News</b> Corp. In Talks To Hand Over Control Of MySpace To <b>...</b>

News Corp. is in preliminary talks to give control of Myspace to Vevo.com, the site partly owned by top record companies, including Universal Music and Sony Music, according to a Bloomberg report. News Corp. has been looking to unload ...

Plutonium detected in soil at Fukushima nuke plant | Kyodo <b>News</b>

''We must control the water well so it won't ever go outside'' the complex, said Sakae Muto, vice president of TEPCO, at a news conference. On Monday, TEPCO continued to remove highly radioactive water from inside reactor buildings at ...

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